MatInv FUNCTION MatInvS% MatInvD% MatInvC% Syntax errcode% = MatInvtype%(matrix ( )) Remarks The MatInvtype% procedure finds the multiplicative inverse of a square matrix; that is, a matrix that has the same number of rows and columns (n x n). The input matrix contains values whose data type is defined by the last letter in the procedure name (S, D, or C). The resulting inverse matrix, of the same data type as the input matrix values, is returned in matrix( ), replacing any previous values. The argument matrix ( ) is a matrix consisting of n x n dimensions. A result code indicates the success or failure of the FUNCTION procedure. Possibilities are. 0 Normal completion. No error occurred. - 1 The determinant for the matrix is 0. No inverse of the input matrix exists. - 2 Matrix not square. The matrix does not have the same number of rows as columns. Note ---- Matrix division is performed using the MatInvtype% procedure to multiply one matrix by the inverse of the second, that is, A-B = A * Inverse(B).